Dog Chew (Chhurpi)

Import or Export Nepali Himalayan Dog Chew Churpi

Tibetan Mastiffs were once the guardians of monasteries in the Himalayas.Since the monks were vegetarians, they fed these dogs Chew (Churpi), a high-protein chew. This diet was believed to give the Mastiffs the strength to break metal shackles if they sensed danger. Crafted from an ancient recipe, this hardened cheese is still made by hand in the Himalayan foothills at altitudes over 15,000 feet. To maintain the milk’s nutritional value and compensate for the scarcity of vegetables, Churpi remains a popular food for both humans and pets. Made from Yak Milk, Cow Milk, Himalayan Salt, and Lime, Dog Chew (Churpi) is a rich protein source. Each batch undergoes a meticulous four-month process, absorbing nutrients equivalent to twenty-five times its weight in milk. This careful method imparts a distinctive smoky and tangy flavor, enjoyed by pets worldwide.

Dog Chew (Chhurpi) is a hard cheese derived from an ancient Himalayan recipe, made using traditional methods and natural ingredients like Yak and cow milk, without preservatives or binding agents. The process involves boiling the milk, separating the whey, and drying the curd for a month. Originally a human food, Chhurpi has become a favorite among dogs due to its nutritional benefits. This chewy treat, packed with protein and calcium, strengthens dogs’ bones and teeth while promoting dental health by reducing plaque and tartar.

Import or Export Nepali Himalayan Dog Chew Churpi

Dog Chew Production Process

Milk Sourcing
Yaks and cows graze at altitudes over 15,000 feet, consuming a diet rich in herbs and medicinal plants while drinking pure Himalayan water. This natural, nutrient-rich environment produces high-quality milk. Local farmers collect this milk, which is the primary ingredient for starting the dog chew production process.
Milk Boiling
The collected milk is heated to 90 degrees Celsius, a critical step to eliminate microbes and bacteria, ensuring the milk's safety and purity. Following this, the milk undergoes centrifugation to separate the fat. The remaining skimmed milk, now free of excess fat, is used to produce the dog chews.
Cheese Formation
To the heated milk, lime juice and Himalayan salt are added. This mixture causes the milk to coagulate, forming semi-solid cheese. This step is essential in transforming the milk into a more solid form that can be further processed into dog chews.
Moisture Removal
The semi-solid cheese is then packed into rectangular blocks and compressed to remove excess water. This compression not only helps in shaping the cheese but also in hardening it, which is vital for creating a durable chew for dogs.
Smoke Drying
The cheese blocks, now dehydrated, are cut into long bars. These bars undergo a smoke-drying process for 28 days. Smoke drying acts as a natural preservative, enhancing the shelf life of the chews and adding a unique flavor that dogs enjoy.
Sorting and Quality Testing
Chews from over 30 micro dairies are meticulously inspected to ensure they meet international quality standards. This inspection process includes testing for consistency, durability, and safety. Only chews that pass this rigorous quality control are approved for further processing and packaging, guaranteeing a high-quality final product for dogs to enjoy.

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    From sourcing nutrient-rich milk in the high altitudes of the Himalayas to rigorous quality testing, each step in the production of these dog chews ensures a nutritious and safe treat. This careful process, rooted in traditional methods, results in a premium product that provides dogs with a healthy and enjoyable chew.

    At SourcingNepal, we take pride in being the premier choice for businesses seeking sourcing solutions in Nepal.

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    Kathmandu, Nepal

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